Company offshore, onshore, CSL, IBC

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Offshore IBC (international Business Company)

  • The company off shore has Memorandum specifying activities in which the enterprise can be committed.
  • These activities are regulated by specific legislation.
  • The company offshore is incorporated by one or several physical or moral persons.
  • It can have a preceded denomination or followed by ”Ltd.“, “Inc.”, ”Corp.“
  • There is no minimum capital, most often the capital is set at USD 100,000, it can be USD 1 or USD 1,000,000.
  • No obligation to depose the capital.
  • Possibility to have nominee director or nominee shareholders.
  • The shares are exclusively registered.
  • The client doesn’t need to go to Seychelles islands, all the constitution can be alone done through internet.
  • The International Business Company (IBC) of Seychelles can be the owner of vessels planes, buildings (not in Seychelles).
  • The Seychelles Offshore Company can invest in TRUSTS, investment funds.
  • • The registered office must be in Seychelles with a registered agent.
  • The annual tax fixed for the life of the Company off shore is USD 140 whatever the capital; IT’S THE ONLY TAX TO BE PAID.
  • An IBC in Seychelles is exempt from all profit tax, transfer taxes etc … unless it trades on Seychelles territory, which is possible in part since 2019, in which case it is subject to a “business tax” as a local company.
  • Keeping the records of the Seychelles Offshore Company accounts for 7 years is an obligation.

Company CSL (Company Special Licence)

The Company CSL (Company Special License) is a legal structure in Seychelles governed by the Seychelles Companies Act 1972 supplemented by the provisions of the Companies Act 2003.

This structure is more expensive than an offshore IBC (International Business Company) company, but offers the advantage of benefiting from double taxation drafts signed by Seychelles, considered as tax resident in Seychelles.

Double taxation treaties

The Seychelles Islands have to date concluded several double taxation treaties with the following countries: Barbados, Botswana, China, Cyprus, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Oman, Qatar, South Africa, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam etc …

The Seychelles jurisdiction regularly signs treaties and our list is not kept up to date, you can consult directly by following the link:

The incorporation of a Company Special License in Seychelles allows to benefit from the tax provisions of Seychelles and to benefit from the treaties without double taxation.

The laws are the Seychelles Companies Act 1972 and by the 2003 Act specific to Special Business License companies.

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